Friday, July 3, 2015

A Stranger's Gift

A short story that is not the best.  I will soon have more recent stories up :D

A Stranger's Gift

One day long ago, the alpha Peck was restless. There was nothing in Jamaa left for her to paint! She had drawn every leaf and twig, every root and stone. Others were having problems too. The water had dried up in Jamaa. A terrible drought was happening. They were also unhappy that Peck had stopped drawing. Her drawings lightened up the day of anyone. They tried to get her to draw, but she refused. "Not until I see beauty in the world." 
Unfortunately, with her unwillingness to draw, her magic powers were disappearing. Her pictures crumpled and tore from around Jamaa, falling off the walls and dissolving forever. Her paintbrushes no longer glowed with color, and her eyes were as dull as an unsharpened knife, no longer sparkling with the happiness of a creative mind.
One day Mira came to visit her. As they settled down for tea, Mira asked what was bothering her. Peck confessed, and Mira sighed. "For that my dear, there is nothing I can do."
The next day, a stranger came to town. She did not look like any animal they had seen before. "I am a jaguar," she told them slyly, slinking in between them all. "I have been sent here to grant one wish. What shall it be?"
"Sent here?" exclaimed Peck. "By who?"
"By a force so deep and mysterious, yet generous, that you would not know," replied the jaguar. "Now give your wish."
Immediately, half the group called out for water to come back. Instinctively, the other half wanted Peck to have something to draw again. 
The leopard sat down thoughtfully. "I cannot give more than one wish." Her tail curled around her paws. "But I think I know a way to combine both."
Peck sat down, thrill in her eyes, as she saw the beautiful waterfall roaring through The Temple of Zios. "It's magnificent!" She sighed. In her mind, she was already thinking of her
paintbrushes working across paper.
So everything was back to normal. And years after, the waterfall still remains, never to be stopped. 
Though, however we wish we knew more, the mysterious stranger was never heard from again.

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